Continue to watch The Art of Business, the Korean TV show on DVD. I like all the show because it showcase the Korean landscape, the rivers, the mountains, and the fields. The place looks gorgeous! I hope I can visit it sometime in the future. It looks almost as good as New Zealand! I wonder how Korea cities look like? Do they look like Taipei? Or other cities? I am sure it is very convenient and fast moving. They must work very hard to keep the countryside clean and green! We can learn the lesson and keep out environment in a better shape. It takes a lot of work to have the green and clean image. You cannot pollute the waterway. You have to keep the rubbish in the dump. You have to drive less, walk more, cycle more. You have to plant trees.
I spend the whole morning entering references into EndNote file, getting very bored by noon and leave work. It is raining at the moment, and the temperature is dropping. On the way to university, I have decided to take a spin to city centre since it is the notorious Friday, the last day before the long holiday. We are having Labour Weekend next Monday. Yes, that's right. It is that time of the year again. It is nearly exam time for university students and high school student in Yr 13 and Yr 11. It is time for me to keep my head down and type furiously on my computer for my thesis, the presentation of two years of hard toil in the laboratory, the failed and the succeeded experimental results, and the seemingly unreachable conclusion that I will inevitably draw at the end of the document. I will start from the first word, and finish with a flourish. I will spend days searching my EndNote library for the suitable papers to reference. I will read these articles written by the brainy and hard-working forefathers. I will write my own method, my own results, create my own graphs and tables. I will do all these and dream about the unwritten parts in the my sleep. When I wake up, I will eat words and read the drafts at the same time. I will walk thinking about what I have to write. I will drive with an idea and quickly pull over on the curb to jot them down in my book. I will shot out of bed if an idea comes into my mind before that elusive sleep creep in.
Next month is the NaNoWriMo month. I will have to write a novel and also write my thesis. That will be a lot of fun. I am sure I will be able to write 2 x 50,000 words. No, actually I am exagerating. I only have to write a third of my thesis and the whole novel. I will have to finish my thesis by January. That's not so hard, but then again, I need be more patient.
Claire De Lune took a photo of me on the way to library in university. I was caught unaware of the danger of the camera. >_< I truly wish that his girlfriend doesn't mind that my photo is on his camera. Then a thought came over me: if he wants my photo on his camera then so be it. It's not I who took the picture! It is he.
On a heavier note, I was screaming for Dark Angel to appear out of thin air when I was driving. I miss you so much, Dark Angel, where are you? Why are you hiding? You are starting to scare me that I might file a missing person report.
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