I am preparing an "Alice in the Wonderland" themed party for this weekend. The time has been changed from Sunday afternoon to Saturday afternoon due to people moving. Hopefully, they will notice the change on my event calendar.
I have poker cards and chessboard ready for decoration. I also have some peonies from my wedding that I can put in a vase as centrepiece. I have a yellow rabbit that I can use as decoration as well.
I am going to make cheesecake and make a drink that can be put into the "Drink me" bottle. It will be fun. I have also acquired a red wig which is not very expensive. Now it's time to make my hat looks crazier with ribbons and a piece of paper that says 6/10.
Fuzzy is coming as the caterpillar, Sky is coming as the Red Queen, Theo is coming as the rabbit, and I think our friends are coming as Alice. It will be fun.
I will have to pack up my sewing machine and tidy up the table. It will have to be moved out into the garden, and I have to move the chairs into the garden as well. There are some candles and some candle holders that I got from Stevens that can be put on the table as well.
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