我的快樂 會回來的



I have been super busy today, spent most of the morning in Mouse House. I was trying to start my own experiment in the morning to no avail. However, it was quite pleasnt in Mouse House. I was talking about Halloween to my boss, and he spent some time in America. That's where Halloween is from, kids dress up and go trick or treating with the adults, adults meet up and see people around the neighbourhood. It's friendly. People who participate in the activity will leave their lights on, and vice versa.
We have two lots of kids coming to trick or treat in Haylie's place, but our door was broken so we had an excuse not to give them candy. I think Haylie doesn't have any candy anyway. I am not sure whether any kids went to my house, though. I shall check with Fuzzy when I get home today.
She has another exam today, and it was Thermodynamics. aaaaAAAAAAhhhhhh, it's the one subject that was difficult. It's an open book exam, but it doesn't mean that the questions are easier. Actually, they are harder. I've done that paper, I should know. Good luck, Fuzzy.
I think Halloween is fun, but I've just missed out going trick or treating. It wasn't popular when I first came to New Zealand and went to high school, and by the time I got to university and trick or treat got popular, I was too old for going trick or treating! However, I had a Halloween party with Megan, Ajay and Farina. It was fun drinking pink (blood) coloured fizzy drinks and dress up. I miss the days that we spent together, but as we all know, all good things come to an end.
Speaking of good old days, I remember spending time with Jennifer, Patricia, Tina, Hongdow, Hongjian, Kevin, Jason and Daniel. We used to be able to hang out together, but now Jennifer, Patricia and Hongjian are all working in Taiwan. Kevin works in Japan as an English teacher, and Hongdow works in Australia. Daniel is studying his masters in Hamilton, but we still haven't had a chance to catch up. Just wondering how everybody are doing.
Another crowd from the university days have also disappeared from Hamilton. I guess everyone has dreams and not all their dreams are in New Zealand. Rachel is in the U.S., Artika is married in Australia, Suk is in Auckland as a lawyer, Kiersten works in Wellington, Jo is doing her PhD in University of Dundee, and I don't know what Hayden is doing. Sarah K is working in Auckland university, Sarah T is working for Landcare, and Toni is still in Hamilton. I saw her riding her bike on the road, Farina is working for AgResearch in Wellington and I haven't seen her for ages. She's up for graduation this week, but she hasn't contacted me. She's married now.
Richard and I watched the second episode of Justice League last night. It was good! I don't think I can ever not like cartoon or comics.
We went to the travel agents to get our Europe airplane and train tickets today. They have made a mistake on my Eurail pass. I have to wait for the correct one to come, and hope they correct the error quickly. 13 days to go now! We are packing our bags this weekend, and I will try to bring as little things with me as possible, but I always brings a lot of things. However, it will be safer not to bring so many things because they may get stolen, and we may lose the bags(!) I hope we can look after what we are bringing, though. It will just be disappointing if we lose our camera or something. Imagine all the pictures lost! Aaaahhhh.
I had kiwi burger combo for lunch, it was yum, and I know I shouldn't eat junk food, but I just love it. I am glad that they didn't kill kiwi burger. It's tasty and not so unhealthy. If you can't stand beetroot then I guess you won't be a fan. I like the burger's box as well, it's got sandals, jandals, buzz bee, All Blacks, Maori Haka, Kia Ora, and all the kiwiana prints on the top. What's not to like?
Looking at the clothes in the shops, I have to stop myself from wanting to buy anything. I have to stop buying clothes, although I don't think I can ever stop wanting new clothes, though. It's the shining clothes that I collect. It's the bright colours, the different cuts, and now I can even shop for Richard. I think I will ask him before buying anything because he's got good taste, and afterall, he's the one who is going to wear the cloth. If he can't stand the shirt/pants, then how can I buy it? This reminds me of Sam buying the turtle dude clothes in Sex and the City. It just wouldn't work.

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