我的快樂 會回來的


Love him or love work

Friday is always a great day to complete everything. This week is almost over! You can hear about Valentine's Day on the radio, in the shops, on TV, and even when you are driving, you can't escape from it! I am a bit tired of all the pink and red decoration, even though I haven't given up on my idealism and romantic notion.
I have been told that I am similar to Charlotte in Sex and the City. She is also my favourite character! I probably identify with her the most because she is so prim and proper, wanting to land a husband and have a family.
The four of us went to Go Vino on Vicky Street after work. I went to Burger Fuel to get dinner, though. I couldn't find the others and was walking up and down four times. Hahahaha! So silly. There must be something wrong with my eyes.
Back up the day a bit. I went to work early to help Erik again on Friday, would like to finish early because weekend is coming up. However, he was not there around seven and I discovered that we forgot to grab the broths. We had to walk all the way down to wash-up (thank God it wasn't completely locked) and carried the buckets up the stairs, then start the experiment.
It is going very well, apart from Erik putting the wrong labels on the solutions.....It's not his fault. I could have made those solutions myself. He seems to be disappearing into thin air today for some reason. Get away from hard physical labour? Or is it just because it is Friday? I hope he is having fun here. Apparently, he is having so much fun he wants to work after his placement finishes. I will have the chance to see him a little bit longer, then. It's those precious minutes just before anyone turns up for work that I treasure. Being there is everything. I care. I don't know whether I care more about work or about this guy. Maybe both in equal amounts.
Anchi ran the gel on Friday and I went in on Saturday to see how pure/impure the proteins are.
They look ok. Two of them needs more work. We have two more batches coming up as well.
Anyway, I will not reveal the details here.
I went to swim in the company pool after 3 as well. The temperature was just right and didn't get too hot. The facility was old, but it's got everything! Showers, seats, kiddie's pool and nice wooden drawers to put your dry clothing in. Cool, huh? I will tell my friends.
Better go do something other than blogging. Get on with my Saturday ritual.

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