我的快樂 會回來的


Through the looking glass and the beautiful dresses

We have been taking the weeds out of our front yard in the afternoon. The tulips are still blooming, and they are an interesting colour. The petals look like raspberry ice cream, with white background and pink stripes. We collect some weeds to feed our new rabbit, Ginger. It is happy to eat grass, carrot peels, kiwifruit peels, and dandilions. She does not like other food.
I went to the bank when mum is doing her weekly shopping. Walking from the supermarket to the bank proves to be a very good exercise on my legs. I keep my eyes on the new upmarket boutiques on Victoria Street, and there seems to be many shoppers in the shops even though today is a working day.
Another rejection letter does not get me down so easily. I believe in myself and that is the most important thing. I will not let the bastards get me down. I will keep typing curriculum vitaes and coverletters. I will keep sending them out. I am a hard worker. I am a good worker. I am willing to work. I am motivated. I am organised. I can be the best investment you make.

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