我的快樂 會回來的


Tree planting

The city council sent two people to plant Black Birch in our street yesterday. We will take good care of it.
Wednesday is nearly always a good day. I caught Lost in the evening. I have not been watching it for a while so it is a little bit difficult to comprehend why some of the characters do what they do, then again, I deduce even if you are watching every episode diligently, you may still not know what is happening: it is a big mystery! That's what get the audiences hooked!
The housework is becoming easier now. I always wash the dishes from the previous evening in the morning, and that's taking shorter and shorter time. The weather is not so bright yesterday, but I stayed indoor most of the day.
Watch a Chinese Ching dynasty drama with dad. I am also reading the novels that I borrowed from the library at the same time. I would like to complete before Friday, and if I can't, I will have to renew them online today.
Sent my CV to the milk company to apply for a project engineer job. This job sounds infinitisimally better: location close to home, something that I have learned. Just hope they will consider me!

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