我的快樂 會回來的



My friend texted me this morning saying that he will go swimming around eleven. I pack everything into my car, drive very fast home without breaking any traffic laws, grab my swimming togs, towels, bathing products, and run out of my house again. Whew...mum is not home so I have to lock the house up as well. Start up my car and text to say that I may be a little bit late.
By the time I get to the swimming pool car park, my dear friend is still standing beside his car looking conspicuous because he has lost his mobile somewhere in his car. ^_^ I call his phone twice so he can trace the sound to his lost phone. Good that he finds it among his musical instruments and notes.
We eventually get inside the swimming facility. He hasn't eaten anything in the morning so ordered a hot chip from the shop. We change. I swim first, he eats.
I can't believe how bad I am in free style. It must be because I forgot to bring my cap so my hair keeps getting into the way! >_< Anyway, my breaststroke is okay. Butterfly is just crappy and after twenty five meters I give up. Swim the rest of the way in breaststroke.
My friend said he has to teach students flute on Friday, the day when he doesn't have classes in university. I used to demonstrate on Friday as well. He said that his friends know me in the class. Interesting. I have taught so many of them that I don't know all their names. I have also taken care of some 1st years and some 2nd years. It really depends on who he knows.
Say goodbye to him. Wash up at home. Mum and Fuzzy come home. Fuzzy's new hairstyle is cool! I like it. She will come home to live tomorrow. So happy. Dad is also coming back from Taiwan tomorrow morning. ^_^ Wish the weather is not so bad tomorrow, but it looks like that it will rain again.
It's so good to spend time with friend. At least I can spend my time with someone interesting, and the fact that he is cute is just a bonus. Haha. Anyway, he doesn't know what he is doing anyway...he is just undecided.

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