我的快樂 會回來的


Catch 28

I can't believe how busy I was these three days. I have ran three sets of experiments. Two of them were the same, the second the repeat of the first, and today I ran a different experiment. I have been exposing Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, Staphylococcus xylosus and Streptococcus uberis to ozone gas under a funnel. I had a lot of success in inhibiting bacterial growth using ozone gas previously, but all the experiments have been set up in a box. However, I have been running experiments in a funnel that can cover the whole petri dish now. This funnel is connected directly to the ozone generator, and the results are even better. I am so happy that nearly all the bacteria are killed by my experiment. Hopefully, I won't have to do any more experiments next week. I am feeling very smug and happy right now. Just keep my fingers crossed that my boss won't demand me to do more. I don't hate my experiments, it's just that if I don't finish them now, I won't have enough time to write up my thesis.
I went to see Purple Skirt's BCGD degree show, Revolution. It is very cool! Her project is about three poems, with very cool music and graphic. I love particularly the interactive supermarket part! You can drag the fish and the tomato across to reveal the poems. She also made the chairs and the background board for her display, spent a lot of time to print everything out. Wish her all the very best, and good luck for her career.
Dad is not feeling so well right now. Things at home seems to be cooling down a bit, but it is still not the same as before. I guess when everything settle down, dad will feel much better.
I have been watching The Secret of Business (I think this name is more appropriate than The Way of Business, since The Secret of Business if the literary translation, and The Way of Business is the word translation, which is not really accurate). We are up to Disc 6 right now, still eleven discs to go. It will take more than a week to finish.
The weather is extremely well now. The roses are blooming like mad again, and I have cut some from our tree and put them into my vase in my room. They smell so nice!
Just hope Dark Angel's assignments are not giving him too much headache. Good luck to Dark Angel. I would like to say happy birthday to Diamond Storm and Orchidgirl. Also, I would like to wish all the people who are fasting for Ramadan luck. It is not easy to go on fasting. I can't give up eating...that's probabaly why I am feeling so fat at the moment.

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