My friend is leaving New Zealand and going back to TW to work there. We organised a party on Sunday to give her a send-off in her house. Her brother is also there. Nine people were there to talk, joke, eat, drink, and listen to music. We were so high!
Fuzzy and I were the first there. We bought pizza from Pizza Hut that's closest to our house. Mum brought one back home and had three pieces. She must have been lonely at home! I should have just taken her along with me.
Dr. arrived after us. She is looking as good as ever in her purple top! So cute. Very busy at work and is going into surgery all by herself now! Cool. She had taken the knife by herself for the second time. I told her that in that room you know the most and you must know more than any other person in that room! That should give you more confidence in the matter. She is working in the plastic unit in Waikato Hospital right now. Sounds very challenging and she said she came back very tired everyday.
Fuzzy's classmate and her boyfriend arrived next with funny K. They all brought muffins! Yummy, yummy. The host also made marcoroni and cheese. So tasty! Tummy is slowly filling up with nice pizza and drink. J arrived last after dancing practice. We all talked about new movies that are being released: Sin City, The Island, Bewitched, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and many more. Sin City is a well designed movie with intertwined story lines. It involved man eatting, possible decapitation, superman who never dies even though he has been hit by a car because this is comic book etc. Frank Miller drew it in the 70's and now he is making it into a visual extravaganza. If you want to watch a movie, then you probably will be disappointed because it may not have the greatest hook, but if you want to go in a designer's point of view, then you will love it. The color, the gore, the women and the men...they are living in the Sin City. What would you expect? Peace and quiet?
The Island I have seen. It is a nice movie that is probable yet full of sadness. The exploitation of the clones are foreseeable. If you want to clone yourself, would you let the other run amok in the world somewhere else, waiting to take your identity? No, of course not. The one clone who is smart enough to escape learns the truth, and that is all it takes to bring the whole operation down. If you want to live, then you will do anything to survive that that is what Lincoln had done. Love and hate, selfish and selfless, greed and injustice are all in this film. I particularly remember the hunter who helped Lincoln in the end because he was also branded when his country was taken over. No one wants to be imprisoned against their well, and no one should be. Freedom is important. I like that film a lot.
Harry Potter is what everybody is waiting for. Nice books, enjoyable films, and we are just confused about the characters! Haha. So funny. Who is that red haired friend of Harry Potter? He does have one...I thought it was a girl...what? I don't get it, okay, we will let you off.
Fuzzy went home with her classmate early. We stayed and talked some more, listened to the CDs Dr. brought. She has the songs from Shrek 2, The Simpsons, and Black Eye Peas.
Dr. said that when she went on the roller coaster, she was wearing a pair of shoes without soles. We all cracked up laughing because how can shoes not have soles? That would be radically cheaper to make! The host was going to inform her previous company so they can save the production cost!
If she is going back to TW, then she should open a company called "Keni" and the slogan should be "Don't do it!" (Just do it for Nike). There will be no liability because we told you, "Don't do it!" Haha. So funny.
Also talked about going to the abattoir. Ooohhhh....yuck yuck, but it wasn't so bad.
We had so much fun, almost didn't want to go home, but time flies and everyone had to wake up early and go back to reality tomorrow morning. It's the holiday for university students, but I still have work! However, I am so much happier today. I am 100%.
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