There is no harm in thinking about Leonardo when you are too busy to slow down to drink some water when you are thirsty, when you have to sneak away for lunch, when you forget to bring your wallet so you have to spend more money on the movie, when you park in 10 min zone because you can't afford to pay for the parking ticket, and when you are still working at four o'clock in an empty lab where everybody has gone home!
I went to work early today hoping that I will be able to finish work early and can rest for a while, but no, I can't. Discover that there's no sterile eppendorf in the lab so I have to work in university today. It suits me because friend invited me to have lunch with her today. The experiment drags on as I sterilize the eppendorf for an hour and I can't wait any longer before lunch. Centrifuge everything and go to lunch with friend. Talk with her about tonight. I am going to watch Howl's Moving Castle with her. Meet with M. He said he doesn't want to watch a cartoon movie, but may be able to go to Sin City in the holiday. Yay! Yay! Watching movie together!
Get the homework for sister. Hope she has already done it, otherwise it will become yet another burden. Collect the test questions and she can try them in the hospital.
I still have to see two more lectuers to get notes and homework for her.
The experiment is still being run now. Hopefully I will be able to finish some of it today before five. I don't want to go overtime!
I will have to make more control tomorrow, and one of the bottle shattered anyway so I have to make 1 more peptone dilution. That's okay. No biggie.
I am so happy! Maybe will watch a movie with M! Yay, yay, yay.
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