我的快樂 會回來的


Terror in the evening

We were just watching television last night and London has been bombed by terrorists. There were 6 or 7 explosions on the underground tube trains and the double decker bus in central London. Up until now, there have been 37 confirmed death, which may go up to 50 or more. 700 people have been injured and treated in the make-shift hospital and hospitals close to the scene. People have not been going berserk. They are cool about their life. Victims appear to be in shock or not moving at all on the stretchers. They are being attended to and cared for. Police and ambulance staff have acted promptly and efficiently. Generally speaking, there is a good organisation of the rescue/care co-ordination, thanks to the cool heads of British people. Volunteers are pouring in to help the wounded. We will remember 7 July 05 as a black day for the act of terrorists.
However, I don't think the British people don't know that they will be attacked. It is a matter of when and not if. They have been on high alert after the twin towers and Iraq war. This goes without saying, but attacking innocent people is wrong. This act certainly crippled the heart of London for one day, and the shadow will hang on the city and the country for a long time to come.
The link is to BBS news. I will blog the development and my day separately from now on. May God and Force be with you.

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