我的快樂 會回來的



Wake up late because it is Saturday today. Fuzzy is already at work and I am finishing reading Harry Potter. I have tried to fix my modem, but it is still unable to get online so I have not been able to play the MUD game for a very long time now.
I doubt that I will be able to fix it at all. Maybe I will just buy a new one when noone is noticing and start using the new modem. However, dad is talking about upgrading to broadband so I will just wait what he will buy in August. I will have to wait until September to have a new internet connection, though.
Make mango salad. Mum can't find the peeler and dad is angry because he said that mum never changes her habit of leaving the peeler on the peeled rubbish so she may have thrown the peeler away. That's such a small thing to fight about and I just kept quiet. Lunch is very hard to sit through and dad goes to have a nap.
I practice cello for a while and read the notice saying that we will start practice again on 29 July. Goodie! I thought we would start this Friday.
Not much happened, but I have finished reading Harry Potter. It is really sad that Dumbledore died, but we will look forward for Harry's hunt for the Horcruxes and the death of Voldemort? I hope he dies, the evil man he is.

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