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Library is my best friend

I have spent today in two libraries. In fact, if you give me a whole day, then I will immerse myself in the wonderous world of books. I have borrowed several interesting fiction books from CityLibrary, which opened again in 2005.

In the morning, I went to see my college professor to talk about taking Biochemistry again because I have done badly in the exam. Passing the paper may not be enough for me to get honours grade. However, I got an letter in the evening saying that it will be better if I do a very good thesis and this will make up for my bad grades and I still may get an honour. Hmm...not convinced, but I feel much better now. Almost as if my life has been revived and came out from hell. I am extremely happy about this meeting with her and the outcome is great. My fate may be that I don't need to take another paper.

I spent the whole morning searching for papers about ELISA. I am not going to use ELISA, but will be using the machine to measure the colour development. I don't know the principle of ELISA so what's the better way to find out than read some papers? That's exactly what I did. I downloaded and printed them out. Spent the afternoon reading some of them, but got bored in CityLibrary.

I borrowed children's books, a Sci-Fi, tow romantic/historical, and a chick/feminine book. Hope everything will be ok.

I am still writing Fairy Tale magazine and maybe will be able to publish it on Na-No-Wri-Mo when October comes again. Hope everything is going well for everybody.

The foreign minister and our prime minister have both gone to Indonesia to attend a summit for tsunami relieve. Two kids died on Dunedin farm because of a farming accident. Poor kids.

Someone got stinged by a scorpio after coming back from South African. Weird. How did that happen anyway?

Watched five minutes of two and 1/2 men and I'm with Her. Very sad because Alex Young broke up with nice teacher. Why did they do that? They seemed to be going on so well. I really like that bloke, he seems to be genuine in love with the woman. Anyway, I suppose that's life. It's always giving you something unexpected.

1 comment:

Jeanie Tseng said...

Yeeah scorpion. That's weird...