我的快樂 會回來的


Some more thoughts before getting off work

Just finished a Caramello bar and it seems to me that everyone has left work. Our group leader has hosted a meeting with a US senator(!) Cool.

I think I will try to think what to do tomorrow, but apart from that, will be pretty much a breeze for the rest of the today.

I am worried about the ozone generator now, and very much in love with this guy I met in the conference. God, please give me strength to resist temptation and love in general so I can survive the rest of this year. Hope next year will come in no time and it will be all over in a wink of an eye. Or will it? Is he the guy of my life that I will not be able to avoid? Is he the guy who will be brave enough to take me up as a challenge? Or is he just the friendly guy who does not want anything to do with me, just being his normal self? I hope, sincerely hope, the answer is not the last one. But of course, I always have a very good imagination and not very good boyfriend-getting skills. I hope that by being myself and not pretending to be someone who I am not, will help me on this front. If he really likes me, then he will do something about it. I won't go and ask this guy. Look what happened to the last guy I asked out: it didn't work out and we are not talking at all. What a disaster! I wish this time that I will be able to wait longer. Just silently saying: I love you. Can you feel it? Can you feel that my heart is slowly breaking up into small pieces? Can you feel that my brain is slowly digesting itself and my whole life slowly floating pass in front of my eyes? Can you imagine letting go here? No. I can't. But I will have to take things slowly. Any slower then I will probably be a suspended animation. A picture on the wall.

See you. I wish to see you. I wish to see you later. I wish to see you later and you will call me. I wish to see you later and you will call me back and I will say yes. I wish to see you later and you will call me back and I will say yes to your invitation to dinner. So nice. Love ya!

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