我的快樂 會回來的


Interesting about my sister's job

My baby sister has got her post office job! Cool, eh? I feel for her, so happy.

Meet Abu online. Happy again. I was hanging the clothes on the clothline, but the clouds are so dark this morning inspite of the Labour Weekend. Eventually, I decided to hang the cloth under the shade of deck.

Walked around the neighbourhood this morning. So good! Spring is here again, the flowers that I can never rember the names are blooming. All of them are beckoning to me. So pretty, even the smell is calling out to me: Springtime...springtime.

Oh, very frustrated at the moment because too many cute guys are around. Please go home and not walk in front of me so tempt me, ok? I worry too much, they probably have girlfriend(s) anyway. But why are there suddenly so many cute, delicious, Greek-God looking males around me now? Is it because I am single again so I am looking? Very bad, keep telling myself that it can be rebound from last relationship, but no, it's not working. Must be animalistic instinct. Don't like that, want to be normal woman. Stop drolling, ok? Men notice that.

Hahahahahahahaha probably just worry too much now. Will take care of myself and get offline. This day is not over so may blog later.

It's 23rd of October, and in New Zealand, the weather is overcasted and everything seems to come alive after winter. Pumpkin: still have all its leaves, but not taller than two days before when planted. Guinea pig: healthy, but stupid and not eating from pink toy tube.


Jeanie Tseng said...

Yeah baby!
I still got that job too. Phew...
I miss the guinea pig. Even though it did not eat from the pink tube. (COZ IT WAS NOT FOOD AND IF IT CAN EAT FROM MUCH EASIER PLACES WHY WOULD IT STUPIDLY EAT FROM AN ENCLOSED TUBE???!!!??)

Linda - Managing Director said...

True. But that's an enrichment toy. Maybe it was not so "enriching" so it's not eating from the tube. haha