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Christmas 2016

After reading Emily Writes' funny blogpost, I've decided to write about our Christmas preparation. It is impossible to keep the house super tidy with two kids under 5, so I don't think I should try to tidy. I have made an effort though. Let me not take photos in hope that the situation will get under control a bit more. Oh well, let's not kid ourselves, my house will never look as good or as tidy as the ones on Pinterest, but at least it's filled with laughter, right? I did make some Christmas decoration this year, though. I've ripped up some Christmas wrapping paper from previous year and pasted them onto three balls, and also paste golden threads on them so they can go on the Christmas tree. Yes, we do have the tree up. My daughter found two legs in the garden after I brought the tree in from the garage. It is quite comical having a tree with only two legs, then she found another one. I am not sure where the last leg is, and the tree is staying up somehow so I am not complaining. Our bedrooms still look disastrous, but at least the ground was vacuumed a while ago. The living room is my husband's domain, and it's very untidy as well. I've just went grocery shopping, and the kitchen is not looking very tidy, either. There will be a lot of tidying to do before Christmas actually hit. My son wouldn't stop crying today. I think he just wants me to cuddle him all the time. He's having some sandwiches from his sister's lunchbox. Bless him. He's had strawberries, banana (half), grapes and a few bites of apple. He's still hungry. My Little Pony is on. It keeps my daughter occupy for now. The two of them were playing in the car before. It's so sunny today, but at least it's not scorching hot. I feel pretty good that I've got milk and cereals from the supermarket, and stocked up the cupboards before Christmas. I will just ignore the mess and get on with life. Let's be realistic, the house will be much cleaner after the kids grow up.